Thursday, March 10, 2011

Diffusion And Osmosis Labanswers

Cgm action plan March 10, 2011 - how to communicate

Cgm action plan March 10, 2011: Press releases and articles

theoretical and practical advice to write and convey


Tips for communicating theoretical

1. Learning from local news, from the free press, agencies: Technical sms

2. Have an idea to communicate, one: to focus on that ... if we

3. Point to the essentials in simple, easy to understand

4. Know who you are communicating

5. Write

How to communicate: the medium is the message

1. Press release: either basic or quoted

2. Article: incipit, development, conclusion

3. Interview: "a bad interview is still better than a good article"

4. Letters to the Editor

5. Internet: new media, blogs, social networks, twitter, online newspapers ....

Just a well-communicated information to be published? NO - practical advice

1. Database General
2. How many items do? Acting all or not?

3. Address to send personal customized

4. Stock always available online

Practical advice for those who want to write, no day without adding to

1. How many hours I devote to daily reading of the media?

2. I always have with me a pen and paper?

3. I always have with me a dictionary of Italian?

4. I always have with me a dictionary of synonyms and against?

5. Abhor copy paste

6. How many hours I devote to writing? I have my diary? blog?

Small journalistic experience

1. Newspaper Online

2. Future

3. Stories of This World

4. Radio Mater



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