Andrea Tornielli thank you for this text was circulated on time
Today Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, a message of Benedict XVI on the occasion of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, which is celebrated tomorrow. The Pope's words are very clear: The recognition that the beautiful country and the Italians existed well before the advent of political unity achieved the Kingdom of Italy and recall the fundamental contribution of the Christian faith of the Church and the construction of national . Here are some important steps of the papal message:
The unification process took place in Italy during the nineteenth century and made history as the Risorgimento, was the natural result of developing a national identity began long before. In fact, the Italian nation, as a community of people united by language, culture, feelings of belonging to the same, albeit in the plurality of political communities on the divided peninsula begins to form in the Middle Ages.
Christianity has contributed significantly to the construction of Italian identity through the work of the Church, its educational institutions and health care, setting standards of behavior, institutional forms, social relations, but also by a wealth of artistic activity: literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music.
Therefore, the unit Italy, realizzatasi in the second half of the nineteenth century, could not take place as an artificial construction of political identities, but as a natural political outlet of a national identity strong and rooted, subsisting for some time. The nascent political community united at the end of the cycle Risorgimento was, ultimately, as the glue that held together the local diversity while still remaining, just the pre-existing national identity, whose shaping Christianity and the Church have made a fundamental contribution.
For historical reasons, political and cultural complex, the Risorgimento is passed as a movement against the Church, Catholicism, and sometimes even religion in general. Without denying the role of different traditions of thought, some marked with streaks of law or secularist, you can not fail to mention the contribution of thought - and sometimes of action - of Catholics to the formation of the unified state.
The political and institutional construction of the unitary state involving various personalities from the political, diplomatic and military, including members of the Catholic world. This process, as it inevitably had to confront with the problem of the temporal sovereignty of the Popes (but also because it led to extend to the territories gradually acquired a law on ecclesiastical guidance strongly secularist), was lacerating effects in individual and collective consciousness Italian Catholics, divided between the conflicting feelings of loyalty arising from citizenship on the one hand and the other from membership of the Church. But we must recognize that if it was the unification process to produce the political-institutional conflict between church and state that went down in history as the "Roman Question", thus raising the expectation of a formal "conciliation", no conflict occurred in the social body, marked by a deep friendship between the civilian community and ecclesial communities. The national identity of the Italians, so strongly rooted in Catholic traditions, formed in truth the most solid basis of the conquered political unity. Ultimately, the Council had to take place between the institutions, not the society, where faith and nationality were not in conflict. Even during the years of torn Catholics have worked unity of the country.
The fundamental contribution of Italian Catholics to the elaboration of the republican Constitution of 1947 is well known. If the constitutional text was the result of a positive meeting and collaboration between different traditions of thought, there is no doubt that only the Catholic constituents showed up at the historic event with a specific project on the Basic Law the new Italian state.
Therefore, the unit Italy, realizzatasi in the second half of the nineteenth century, could not take place as an artificial construction of political identities, but as a natural political outlet of a national identity strong and rooted, subsisting for some time. The nascent political community united at the end of the cycle Risorgimento was, ultimately, as the glue that held together the local diversity while still remaining, just the pre-existing national identity, whose shaping Christianity and the Church have made a fundamental contribution.
For historical reasons, political and cultural complex, the Risorgimento is passed as a movement against the Church, Catholicism, and sometimes even religion in general. Without denying the role of different traditions of thought, some marked with streaks of law or secularist, you can not fail to mention the contribution of thought - and sometimes of action - of Catholics to the formation of the unified state.
The political and institutional construction of the unitary state involving various personalities from the political, diplomatic and military, including members of the Catholic world. This process, as it inevitably had to confront with the problem of the temporal sovereignty of the Popes (but also because it led to extend to the territories gradually acquired a law on ecclesiastical guidance strongly secularist), was lacerating effects in individual and collective consciousness Italian Catholics, divided between the conflicting feelings of loyalty arising from citizenship on the one hand and the other from membership of the Church. But we must recognize that if it was the unification process to produce the political-institutional conflict between church and state that went down in history as the "Roman Question", thus raising the expectation of a formal "conciliation", no conflict occurred in the social body, marked by a deep friendship between the civilian community and ecclesial communities. The national identity of the Italians, so strongly rooted in Catholic traditions, formed in truth the most solid basis of the conquered political unity. Ultimately, the Council had to take place between the institutions, not the society, where faith and nationality were not in conflict. Even during the years of torn Catholics have worked unity of the country.
The fundamental contribution of Italian Catholics to the elaboration of the republican Constitution of 1947 is well known. If the constitutional text was the result of a positive meeting and collaboration between different traditions of thought, there is no doubt that only the Catholic constituents showed up at the historic event with a specific project on the Basic Law the new Italian state.
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