Friday, February 25, 2011

Phlem In Newborn Baby

Those stakes need

"Those poles are needed to"
He should finally return to the lower house today, the discussion and subsequent approval of the law on end of life or, as it is right to call, 'GENERAL' on therapeutic alliance, informed consent and advance directives for treatment. " Everything was delayed, because of the previously milleproroghe (so this is an extension thousand and one?) In early March.
missing so very little, but the mounts and the public debate heats up, especially in favor of euthanasia who read the text of this bill, however imperfect, as the deceptive, ideological, authoritarian, unconstitutional and then declamatory, unnecessary ... and a liar to begin with.
Ingazio Marino, MD, Senator PD, and the ever Beppino Englaro have even invented a theatrical happening with the title: "The reasons of the heart: the living will. Feelings and rights to confrontation "and the theatrical model is directly taken from" Vieniviaconme "that is, the comparison does not exist, the voices are many, but the review is to be transmitted unasola.
their voices joined by the video and the words of Roberto Saviano who now seems to have taken a secular drift, and a collection of signatures by the CGIL, "I do not force, I take care 'What has the union did not we understand it, but also enough for them to remember to go and review the concept of care developed by Hippocrates and well described in the oath, which he named, in which doctors once they referred.
On the life you do not vote was the lucky one who led the People slogan of life (in its definition taken dall'Evangelium vitae) to win the referendum on the law 40. If life does not vote is legitimate to ask whether or not to vote on the death and, by extension, it is right to support a law called the "Declarations of early treatment ', but that concerns the last ball of our living?
The idea of \u200b\u200b2005 not to vote in the referendum was not, as many have settled, a clever political strategy intended in the first place by the then vicar of Rome, Camillo Ruini. Behind that decision, the cardinal also put all his wisdom and foresight in this matter: you can not put to a vote that does not come from us but from God alone, the greatest good precious thing we have, the first law given to us by the mere fact of being there, that is life. Always
by extension the concept should be extended also to the death, however, is part of life. Death begins from the moment of birth. We should not be afraid because if not catch us by surprise. Today we are afraid of death and disease for this is believed to exorcise or anticipating or avoiding them. The death also should not vote, but we know that, unfortunately, everything that is not prohibited is permitted and this has led to the death of Eluana for lack of hydration and nutrition.
This law being debated in the House came the emotional wave of that fact, but in these two years, was more repeatedly amended, carved, drawn, looking for a refined and shortened possible mediation. Even death is not expected to vote but put stakes through legislation in defense of life (and death) from the assault of the prevailing ethical relativism, we will cling even more to our beliefs and bear witness to win the cultural battle.

From the Future February 24, 2011, article by George Gibertini


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