Monday, February 28, 2011

Cervix High And Hard Sore Nipples

Yara ... and I think I invoke the spirit or the Holy Spirit come down comforter ... ....

Watching television, the news has become almost impossible ... it is even more these days when there already is becoming too familiar that field bare and gray as the background a factory not only the outline of meteorological Madone.
Just wondering, since my little space, to let it rest in peace with Yara, now, please, I ask all colleagues in the media. Let it rest in peace
Yara and proper burial takes place, so that his parents have a way for the payment of amorous feelings, so that we can bring a flower and a prayer without blocking the gates of the house Gambirasio only for the consumption of the cameras. And I emphasize consumption.
Let alone marry her, we parents of Italy, who are a little dead in front of this crime and all those that are committed against our children.
Who is the father or mother does not want to endure another Cogne case with continuous updates of the updates along the course of time, years, and the total destruction, physical and spiritual, of a family, a community, a whole town and our beautiful country.
Let it rest in peace with Yara but not to forget to pray in silence, so that our God came to manifest itself in history as he can do, as he can do, or with his consoling Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit, come, consoling Spirit, come and console the heart of every man crying tears of despair, you now only allowed to enter our hearts, and Yara's family to be housed on television.


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