A carpenter and his assistants traveled in search of material when they saw a gigantic tree.
- We must not waste our time - he urged them to master carpenter. - To cut it, take a long time. If we want to make a boat, it will sink, so heavy is the trunk. If we decide to use for the structure of a ceiling, the walls must be exceedingly strong.
The group went on. But one of the trainees said:
- a tree is so great and you do not need nothing!
- You're wrong. The tree has followed his destiny in his own way. If it were equal to others, we would already be cut. But because he dared to be different, will remain strong and alive for a long time.
(Paulo Coelho)
Dedicated to those who have decided to be himself, despite everything.
Dedicated to me, because I remember that, somehow, I have to stay consistent with my decisions ...
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