No I have only improved. The first telescope was born in Holland in 1604. The inventors are not known because they wanted to keep their identity secret.
As the telescope is built?
I to build the telescope I used a piece of wood drained and cut in half and I put in two lenses at the end, two lenses that Molai making a concave and one convex with a focal length of 75-100 cm. I worked a lot, but eventually I managed to improve it and finally managed to power of 8, 20, 30 times.
In that year he appeared in Italy? There appeared
Only in 1608, four years after the discovery made by the Dutch.
There have been other discoveries of telescopes?
Not really, but in 1352 there is evidence on the use of eyeglasses.
which houses the telescope?
is preserved in the Museum of Science and Technology in Florence.
Why did you decide to build even the hydrostatic balance?
Why was attracted by some readings of Archimedes and some experiments for the measurement of specific gravity of bodies.
When he made the first scales?
was in 1586.
How was it built?
It consisted of a lever device. The end of the arm which was fixed a counterweight, was wrapped in a wire. The displacement of the counterweight, was determined very accurately by counting the number of turns of wire along which it moved.
There was a Treaty for this invention?
Yes, but it was published posthumously in 1586 .
When was the first example?
A copy of hydrostatic balance was built in 1608, after my death.
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