the Sun is embedded in successively smaller than the other fixed stars. (For fixed stars, then it means the planets of the solar system). He adds: "By creating melodious sounds, the spheres with their planets revolve around the Earth, who sits motionless in the center." Amazed, you ask him this question: "Why do you believe this?", And he, if he were Catholic, you say: "Why the Church teaches" if it were Protestant I would say, "Why Teach the Bible." And if you pursue us with more questions, I would say that a biblical passage in the jew leader Joshua says, "sun stopped" and that, if you must stop, it means that you are muovendo.Queste unshakable certainty, born during the Middle Ages, were destroyed by Galileo Galilei. After building a telescope, invented by copying and enhancing the optical Dutch, he observed the sky and proved experimentally that the situation was precisely the opposite: it was the Sun to be the center of the system, while the Earth and other planets revolved around him. On the motion of planets around the star gave them the name that was used then to indicate the location of a circular body revolution. Then he proved that by turning around the Sun, Earth and the planets were making a turn on themselves and called rotation. The demonstration of what Galileo confirmed Copernicus, a Polish mathematician, had suggested some ten years earlier but failed to draw definitive conclusions. Now it is prevalent among the scholars, and convinced them radically changed the direction of their research. It was not however accepted by the Inquisition, after a fierce internal debate, forced Galileo to recant his theory of self-proclaimed "godless" and "criminal conviction." Was consumed as the great divide between the Church and the "new science". In 2000 alone, thanks Pope John Paul II, the Church has apologized for errors and then re-enabled the great Italian scientist.