sure that happens to many people to experience something and then realize, in retrospect, that has a much broader meaning of each episode.
mountain walks. After days rain and wind finally appeared at a pale sun. Threatening clouds in the mountains did not promise a lot of space in which to stroll, so fast we walked my husband and I on a road that leads behind the village in a beautiful area, plans for the piece.
wind, then sun, it was very cold and the walk was healthy after eating of all kinds. We proceeded in silence to enjoy the scenery and mountain air. When you reach the crossing point of passage, the coldest point, I asked to go back because the wind made me short of breath.
- From then to the refuge we take something hot, I go ahead and take the shortcut.
I persuaded trying to remove the desire to return to the warmth of home. The shortcut was uphill, with the head down as she began to snow. The cold air came in everywhere, my back sweat was freezing, the wind prevented me from your eyes wide open and I had foolishly not taken the glasses do not mind the snow. At the top of the small incline and the wind increased to reach the refuge there were still ten minutes of walking into hell.
I turned on myself and I decided to go back. Needless to say there was a face beside a mile long and the silence became ice. Meanwhile, the snow thickened and the back was all under a beautiful snowfall.
Today the sun was shining, it was a wonderful time. We split: he went on the ski slopes I for a walk.
With joy in my heart that only the weather can communicate game are equipped with sunglasses, photographic camera, headset for music and racket holder. The intention was to see if there was enough snow for skiing. Even for those who love the sea like me just the landscape of snow-covered mountains with the sun makes it clear that everything is always a source of amazement. Moving beyond the pass of the day before covering it with the scarf for the cold, but coming to the shelter without difficulty, all alone because it was still early, I reread what had happened the day before.
Everyone has his day, his manners, his strength and if there is full confidence scam or have been taken before the difficulties, the small storm, I take the reins and decide for myself. The goal get there, when and how I say. Good, bad? ... ... ... .. 2010, begins like this!
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