Thursday, January 28, 2010
My Twin Sister Sayings
There are times when everything has been taken up by speeches made in the classroom observation and personal reflection emerge strongly.
One morning I was surprised, for example in a class by asking me to read some books about the 70s, or watch a film as the Hundred Steps, or the one on the band's Magliana. I was intrigued by that they were so passionate in the stories.
- Prof, you are blessed that you've lived in those times!
- You know I never felt blessed in that respect.
- You do not understand, you had ideals, a reason to fight or struggle, ideas with which to compare us against those who fight today .................? What ideals do we have? When we started the meetings we talk about him and get bored.
I was amazed and impressed by such statements. Certainly true, but the knowledge is already a step forward and I was wondering how to think about the next step.
Yesterday, a film which I had heard of
The wave seems to follow their words, their thoughts, their reactions. Well not I know it is a fact really happened as it says, but there is every reason to make it happen again.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Apollo 13 And Newton's First Three Laws
Young people have always been the emblem of the paradoxes and perhaps is the age that begins to weigh that surprise us. On the one hand the courage to write something that everyone will read and will be on everyone's lips, the other the fear of tomorrow that paralyzes you not to make you dream. On the one hand the inability to understand the reactions of what you do, the other's claim on everything.
I look at them dazed and spellbound in front of a movie like Juno as well as clips from movies before showing figures like Giovanni Falcone, John Paul II or Vasco. A mouth open ecstatic and full of enthusiasm with the joy of seeing something great. Myths, heroes, distant figure, or perhaps models.
- These are large, Profs.
- What you have to dream to be special like them?
- Nothing, absolutely nothing.
- A dream?
- Exactly I can not dream.
- We want to learn to dream?
- Maybe. Starting next week, hello.
Monday, January 25, 2010
How To Reduce Redness Of Scratched
I have not heard anything about the sender or the recipient and are not accustomed to asking questions. The last hour of the lesson was based on the exchange of ideas and friendship sull'innamoramento commenting on the book by E. Fromm's "The Art of Loving", a topic chosen with the children of a second. I notice a girl who rarely stops being exonerated in the classroom with his head resting on the bench. He looked dejected, but expect her to ask questions that obviously does not slow in coming and then declares all its bitterness sigh for a big disappointment.
It takes little to discover that she was the author of the inscription and that the depression stemmed from his own work of art is not understood and not accepted.
- Do not tell me anything, now barely greets me.
I smile and ask what were his expectations.
- Well, I wanted you to know how important it is for me, perhaps he had not yet understood.
- I do not understood? So I had already communicated something?
- Yes, for the first message, then a voice, then made him say .....
- If you have both insisted that I imagine his response was not positive.
- smiled
- For you to say what he wanted that smile?
- Bo do not know, just try again, but now all tease me, everyone feels entitled to tell me something and he did not talk to me. Why do not people mind their own business?
- Try to see things from another point of view. If I write something on the blackboard in your opinion Why do I do?
- To make it read
- Yeah, it read for the whole class to write this big where everyone can see and everybody can understand, or comment on what I write. If I were to write in front of the school is not writing to talk to one person, but to all those who pass, right?
- Yes, but I ............... yeah, okay, but the others should not criticize, they must make their own business.
- Are you sure you wanted this? If you did not want anyone put her mouth you would have kept secret. If you write it so are you that you give permission to comment on.
-...... and now what? Everyone laughs at me and treat me like a child and he speaks to me.
- Do not you think that you feel uncomfortable? It's no accident that also has a girlfriend?
- It's like one, but I do not know if they're together.
- is, in fact. What would you do for him?
- Prof I do not make us think otherwise I'm sick.
- Try to think of the children when they do mischief if they escape and adults are responsible. If you do not want to be treated as a child is shown not to be, or not be true because you have learned the lesson.
- ...... you have learned the lesson. Maybe I've just gone too far and I deserve to be teased.
- Try to laugh it off and watching you now.
She does a great smile and his companions who until then had been quietly rising to embrace her.
- Prof nobody had been able to show her that she had exaggerated, everyone took only around and she was getting worse. More
spend time with them, the more I realize how great their cry for help and not always easy to figure out how to accept it.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Toddler Cancer Symptoms
Think you rethink all the talk about foreign aggression and has an idea flashed in Bella Proff (lately is thinking about changing name to Bella Professors, the name by which the boys call it a fourth higher).
- Kids today do a written assignment. I do not want a theme, just a few words on three ideas.
The topic is: My future. Write how you want, such as fear, like watching the shows today. Three ways of looking or three windows from which to observe.
- but written by force?
- Sure, a few words, do not worry.
The boys take a pen and paper and begin to see strange things: who leaves without permission, who snorts turning round and round the paper, who writes as if seized by a wonderful idea.
someone crosses the gaze of Professor exclaiming: MA E 'HARD!
- Of course it is not easy, but it is important and good to see and write their dreams. But where did M.?
- Here she falls!
- Sorry prof, I'll explain later, in fact I'm telling you now: the tasks are too difficult and I was nervous.
- nervous about what, which of the three items?
- all, especially as I wish my future. I came a stomach ache and a panic attack.
- I, too, professors, let alone think about how it is today, cold sweat.
- I do not write their own.
- Guys, but you realize what you're telling me?
- of course - and now speak in unison - we AFRAID TO LOOK IN OUR FUTURE.
Maybe it was granted, maybe it's a simplistic answer, but I think this is the real reason for this aggression and fear in watching the rest of the world. We are building a culture of fear?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Couches Dark Hardwood
There are statements that leave us speechless and we remain banned. One of these I heard yesterday in a fourth higher. After a dissertation on the events that took place in Calabria we got to talking about Africa, its wealth, some will not want to reveal those countries.
- Of course there is that Africa will become a rich country, is so clear.
- Right? That means I do not understand.
- Prof if Africa becomes another country is a power to be feared.
- ...... maybe I did not understand. My neighbor can probably get rich so I do starve because they could become more powerful than me.
- Yes, and if it becomes powerful it becomes dangerous for us, for Europe.
- but this is the logic of fear!
- no, it is the logic of prudence, prof the world works so you have not understood?
confessed to being so surprised that I could not utter a word.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What Is The Bump On My Cervix
- Prof saw her yesterday that show that where there was an interview with singer ......... can not remember the name!
- No I have not seen the television yesterday, sorry. It was important?
- Yes, I think so, but what was the name that singer? - G says turning to some friends.
- What?
- That old man who stood by presenter.
- Yes, I understand, it seems to me ............. Gianni Morandi.
- Old?? jumps prof.
- Yes, because it is old prof? Faced with certain
statements so transparent you realize that time passes inexorably, and the criteria change. Needless to say, they also think!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
N3- Polar Nonpolar Ionic
That's nice when they finish the Christmas holidays: you stop eating sweets galore, there are no more relatives to overdose, you do not jumping from place to place to look for snow making and remaking luggage .... ............. until the alarm goes off at six!
is the downside of the return to normal.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Chaos Black Cheats Vba
sure that happens to many people to experience something and then realize, in retrospect, that has a much broader meaning of each episode.
mountain walks. After days rain and wind finally appeared at a pale sun. Threatening clouds in the mountains did not promise a lot of space in which to stroll, so fast we walked my husband and I on a road that leads behind the village in a beautiful area, plans for the piece.
wind, then sun, it was very cold and the walk was healthy after eating of all kinds. We proceeded in silence to enjoy the scenery and mountain air. When you reach the crossing point of passage, the coldest point, I asked to go back because the wind made me short of breath.
- From then to the refuge we take something hot, I go ahead and take the shortcut.
I persuaded trying to remove the desire to return to the warmth of home. The shortcut was uphill, with the head down as she began to snow. The cold air came in everywhere, my back sweat was freezing, the wind prevented me from your eyes wide open and I had foolishly not taken the glasses do not mind the snow. At the top of the small incline and the wind increased to reach the refuge there were still ten minutes of walking into hell.
I turned on myself and I decided to go back. Needless to say there was a face beside a mile long and the silence became ice. Meanwhile, the snow thickened and the back was all under a beautiful snowfall.
Today the sun was shining, it was a wonderful time. We split: he went on the ski slopes I for a walk.
With joy in my heart that only the weather can communicate game are equipped with sunglasses, photographic camera, headset for music and racket holder. The intention was to see if there was enough snow for skiing. Even for those who love the sea like me just the landscape of snow-covered mountains with the sun makes it clear that everything is always a source of amazement. Moving beyond the pass of the day before covering it with the scarf for the cold, but coming to the shelter without difficulty, all alone because it was still early, I reread what had happened the day before.
Everyone has his day, his manners, his strength and if there is full confidence scam or have been taken before the difficulties, the small storm, I take the reins and decide for myself. The goal get there, when and how I say. Good, bad? ... ... ... .. 2010, begins like this!